Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why barabrians?

I am going to explain you why I have started these series about barbarians. One day I was walking home with a professor from my university and he told me that I remind him of a Celtic barbarian warrior from roman sculptures. I asked him why and he responded that he sees it in everything I do. And also my face and big moustaches made a certain impression. So anyway that is why I thought that though 1500 years have passed but citizens of Gaul still find themselves as Romans and everybody to the east are still Barbarians. And really I think that being barbarian is a rather significant part of our identity...


Chances are, some of the nice girls playing volleyball next to the Eiffel tower are barbarians too... ;) They may be a part of a secret plot to take the tower down. Or maybe not - who knows.

But again, they ARE nice.

And may be wearing some armor too ;)

As the Romans used to say - panem et circenses! Bread and circuses!

Let 'em play. And watch.

Photos by Adomas Svirskas

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