Monday, May 10, 2010

First mustached man in history or Barbarian appearance

First depiction of mustached man (scythian barbarian 300 BC)

First, we will talk about barbarian appearance. Is that still visible today? Are there still same differences between barbarians and non-barbarians? As term barbarian was mostly used in antiquity we will begin there too. What were biggest shocks for a "civilized" roman when seeing barbarian? According to one ancient historian

"They indeed allow [their hair] to grow so thick that it scarce differs from a horse's mane. The nobility … wear moustaches, which hang down so as to cover their mouths, so that when they eat and drink, these brush their victuals [food] or dip into their liquids."

Isn't this still true today? Well according to my experience for example French still find bushy mustache rather strange. On the other hand they are more fashonable in Sarmatia then in western world. If you don't believe me please see videos of modern barbarian from Sarmatia Gogol Bordello.


  1. It`s still true, as the following modern-day barbarian warchiefs can attest:
    Alexander Lukashenko
    Bashar al-Assad
    Lula da Silva

    These are all men who like to dip their facial hair in their food.

  2. Why do you think that Lula da Silva is barbarian?

  3. Come on, socialism? the west is too cynical for that.
